In ancient Rome, the ghosts of the ancestors were appeased during Lemuria on May 9. Not many people know that, and even fewer care. But in the spirit of Lemuria, we offer seven untimely ways a SEO can die(It’s a dangerous world out there, and also I’m low on blog posting ideas):
– Bitten by search engine crawlers.
– Trampled by googlebots(This is actually the best way to go, if you have to).
– Trip over a HTML tag someone forgot to close. (This was funnier last night when I thought of it – go figure)
– You get (google)whacked while visiting a bad link neighborhood.
– You’re doing the googledance, slip on a banana peel and hit your head. Certainly I’m not the only one who knows the googledance? Please submit your videos if you know it:
– You receive a suspicious package in the mail, and it turns out to be a googlebomb.
– Setting linkbait traps and you get an arm caught.
Please submit any other ideas you might have via email: So strike up that pun machine, it’s Friday!
Update: Debra just suggested you could “overdose on link juice” – if only!