
Preparing For SEO in 2017

Every year brings new SEO challenges and surprises. The year 2017 won’t be any different, but we do expect these topics to be important considerations in the new year:   Interstitials / Popups on Mobile Devices We’ve all seen mobile sites with a popup covering the content we were trying to read. These popups will […]

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Penguin 4 has Arrived: What We Know

It’s been 2 years since the last Penguin Penalty update. The Penguin Penalties were known to destroy site traffic by placing sites – that were formerly on page 1 – onto page 4 or even page 9. Organic traffic would decrease sometimes to less than 10% of previous levels, and devastate revenue. Penguin is such a serious […]

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3 Persistent SEO Misconceptions

SEO has had many changes over the years. As marketers and small business owners have worked to understand its many complexities, several misconceptions have remained.   Misconception #1: SEO is “free traffic” Many small businesses are interested in SEO — they see it as “free traffic”. Tired of the ever-increasing click costs of PPC, they […]

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9 ways to get the sitelinks you want (and deserve!)

Organic sitelinks are the sub-links that appear under your homepage URL in search queries specific to your company. Matt Cutts explaining how sitelinks are generated: A typical company listing has 4-6 sitelinks meant to help users navigate your site directly from the search engine results page, rather than having to click your primary URL to […]

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Can Google read JavaScript? Yes, but can it really?

Google will eventually crawl all JavaScript, but they haven’t been indexing JavaScript pages very  successfully. Every year, we hear the same story: Google says it’s  getting better at crawling and indexing Javascript. Except crawling JavaScript, and crawling ALL JavaScript are clearly two different accomplishments. Google can crawl it, render it, but just doesn’t seem to use it in […]

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The care and feeding of images: Optimizing your site’s images

SUMMARY OF SEARCH | April 2016 The care and feeding of images: Optimizing your site’s images Google’s recent changes to search results means you can expect organic traffic to decline: There are more ads at the top for many queries, but Google may have also expanded the display in images in search results. There wasn’t an official announcement, […]

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