Category Archives: Misc

Nofollow tags

Nofollow tags are a fairly recent invention. The history of nofollow goes something like this: 1. Google gives priority to sites with many links. 2. Spammers use blogs and guestbooks to artificially increase their link counts. 3. Somebody proposes that certain places on the web – like blogs and guestbooks – should have a way […]

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Googlebombs have been defused

The phenomenon known as “Googlebombing” has been defused by Google. It used to be that if enough sites linked to a site using certain words, that site would quickly rise in rank for that keyphrase. The result? You could search Google for “miserable failure” and see the White House is number 1, with Micheal Moore […]

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Microsoft’s new “Behavioral Targeting”

Microsoft is increasing personalizing ads given to it’s users. Microsoft says privacy is kept intact, and advertisers using Microsoft’s new Adcenter Pay-Per-Click(PPC) service are indeed seeing higher click-through rates(CTR). So, what’s the problem? It sounds like a win-win, and behavioral targeting will certainly be seen with increasing emphasis at Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing and […]

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YouTube growing up

Mark Cuban recently prognosticated that youtube would soon be “sued into oblivion.” User generated content is, of course, a legal liability that must be measured along with other business risks. Are the high flying days of youtube over? Hardly. Youtube is rumored to be in talks with major content license holders as we speak, offering […]

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Newest search engine: – The search results seem to be from msn / live, but the entertainment is priceless. Warning: Men find her entertaining, women tend to find her annoying. Whatever target market they are going for, it is odd that there are no advertisements shown. Is this yet another search engine without a profit strategy? Do […]

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